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Monitoring and Alerting Services

Monitoring Services

Monitoring system is composed of several services :

Prometheus :

Prometheus is an open-source monitoring and alerting tool, commonly used for time-series data reporting. It is particularly convenient when using Grafana as a reporting UI since Prometheus is a supported datasource. Service is available on browser port 9090.

Prometheus is connected to services (Prediction APIs, Airflow, node-explorer, AlertManager) to retrieve metrics. It is configured using the prometheus.yml file, which is set up to scrape logs from those different services

Classical scheme is the following :

Schema classique du fonctionnement de Prometheus

We have use another classical approah using Stats_exporter. The StatsD exporter is a drop-in replacement for StatsD, used to collect various metrics and convert them to Prometheus format automaticly via configured mapping rules. tatsD's repeater backend is configured to repeat all received metrics to a statsd_exporter process.

For example, Airflow emits metrics in the StatsD format automatically if certain environment variables (starting with AIRFLOW__SCHEDULER__STATSD_) are set.

New schemes are the following :

Statsd exporter


Node Exporter is a tool designed to collect and expose various system-level metrics from a target (node or machine). It runs as a service on the node and provides valuable insights into CPU usage, memory consumption, disk usage, network statistics, and other crucial system-level data. Node Exporter allows Prometheus to scrape these metrics using the pull model and store them as time-series data. Native service is available on browser port 9100.


Grafana is an open-source reporting UI layer that is often used to connect to non-relational database.It used for the graphical interface of logs and alerts, when connected to Prometheus to retrieve metrics. Grafana allow to create dashboards and alerts that can act on data from any of our supported data sources. It also contain its own Alertmanager system. Service is available on browser port 30020.


It allows different metrics to be displayed as dashboards, making it easier to understand and analyze data. We have used the Node Exporter Full dashboard (dashboard’s ID: 1860) to make Dashboard of Prometheus job (Node explorer and Airflow ann API) There are many useful StatsD metrics made available by Airflow, such as Queued task, Runnings tasks, DAG and task duration.


Grafana also contain its own Alertmanager system.

Alerting Services


Alertmanager is responsible for managing and handling alerts generated by Prometheus based on predefined alerting rules. Alertmanager handles deduplication, grouping, and routing of alerts to different alert notification channels such as email. The monitoring container will send the alert and, if necessary, call Airflow for automatic retraining.

Alertmanager is realized directly trought configuration files : -monitoting_rules.yml file will be responsible for configuring alerts using PromQL. -alertmanager.yml configuration file facilitates the setup and configuration of alerts.

Native Service is available on browser port 9093.

Grafana Alertmanager

Grafana have its own AlerManager with an UI interface, selecting metrics and conditions. It is also possible to use a configuration file, which configure alert rules and contacts points. This tool can used different alert notification channels such as email, Slack , etc.

Metrics is sent for each prediction step by Airflow to Statsd Exporter, then send to Alertmanager and Grafana own alertmanager

Practical implementation


For our project, we decided to establish a manual retraining when receiving alerts indicating that mse is greater than 1000, throught metrics model_score. This would ensure that the prediction model remains performant and up-to-date.

We used both approach but Grafana AlerManager for alerting in model score. Alerting system have be done through Grafana Alertmanager, through configurations files, toward a Slack canal


Main Repo/
├── prom/
│   ├──│   
│   ├── prometheus.yml  # main configuration file for Prometheus
│   ├── Alermanager/
│   │   ├── alertmanager.yml  # main configuration file for ALertmanager
│   │   ├──  # Rules for metrics to be considered
│   ├── node-exporter/
│   │   ├── proc/
│   │   ├── sys/
│   ├── grafana/
│   │   ├── provisionning/
│   │   │   ├── alerting/*
│   │   │   │   ├── alert_rules.yml  # alert rules for Grafana
│   │   │   ├── datasources/*
│   │   │   │   ├── prometheus.yaml  # data source configuration for Grafana (ie Prometheus)
│   ├── statsd/
│   │   ├──  # Script to send a first score to stasd and initiate alerting
│   │   ├── stats_mapping.yml  # configration file to map metrics between statsd and other services like Airflow